Bay of Kotor
The Bay of Boka Kotorska is the southernmost fjord in Europe, which has officially entered the group of ten most beautiful bays in the world.
A visit to Montenegro is an opportunity to see the unique natural beauty of this bay and to get to know its rich history, culture and architecture. To the visitor, it seems as if the mountains have split open and let the sea enter them. High mountains tower over the thin coastline, protecting it from the harsh climate from the north. This is exactly why there is a geographical complex, an airport that is the jewel of this region.
Međusobna povezanost i jedinstvo prirodnih i antropogenih motiva čine Zaliv Boke jedinstvenom cjelinom, ne samo na evropskom Mediteranu, već i u svijetu uopšte. Toplo more, prijatna klima, mediteranska vegetacija, specifičan životinjski svijet, arheološka nalazišta, manja i veća naselja, svojevrsno su bogatstvo Boke. Neizostavno je podsjetiti na posebnu toplinu starosjedioca koji sada, kao što su im i preci činili, prkose surovosti prirode.
Baš ta surovost divljine joj, ma koliko kontraverzno zvučalo, daje mamljivu ljepotu. Slobodno letenje u ovim krajevima dobija novu osobinu prave slobode.