The paragliding site was built and is managed by paragliding club Adriafly

Features of relief

  • mountain Orjen 1.895m
  • hill Dobraštica 1.570m
  • Radoštak 1.441m

Start (slika 12) 42 ° 29 N13 „N, 18 ° 34′6“ E, nadmorska visina 900 metara (see in Google map) – naziv mjesta „Žlijebska lastva“, 30x50m šljunak / trava – južno orijentisan – vazdušna udaljenost od obale (sletišta) 3000m – asfaltna cesta

Odlazak na poletište: Od glavne ceste E65 skrenite na sjever na kružnom toku u Meljinama (42.455N / 18.558E) Vozite se u smjeru Trebinja oko 7km. U selu Kameno skrenite na istok na raskrsnici pored kafića Karakaš (42.480N / 18.529E) i vozite još 6 km. Skrenite desno u blizini skloništa za životinje (42.487N / 18.560E). Poletište je 50m naprijed, istočno.

Kamera poletište

Materijal prikupljen kamerom poletišta je namijenjen isključivo članovima paraglajding kluba Adriafly. It is forbidden download and publish photos or otherwise use the material without the prior consent of the Dizdarica airport club manager

You can get more information here - CONTACT

Flight announcement via the form:

    We can announce via Viber or WhatsApp messages

    Responsible paragliding managers
    +382 69 329 379
    +382 69 669 976
    +382 68 204 502

    For transportation or retransport to the takeoff spot, call:

    +382 67 862 153

    Miro Spremo

    You can read about the airport in English on the website APPI Dizdarica.

    With its rapid development, paragliding brought flying closer to man than any other technological achievement. Through its work, Adriafly improves and stays in step with European educational, sports and technical norms. The novelties we present are interactive cameras, a weather station and a form for quick and simple flight announcements. Club members can comment, analyze and share experiences in the "chat room" on the FLIGHT BOOK page. Dizdarica is an airfield that, thanks to the efforts of Adiafly club members, has been put on the map as a presentable, attractive and active gathering place for local and foreign pilots. Numerous contact methods are mentioned on the page. Make us happy with your impressions or a short message that you can send from the page via the contact form. ~ Sincerely, Your Adriafly Team ~