Paragliding club Adriafly from Herceg Novi is a sports-social organization that was founded in 2008

U 2025. godini, brojimo 24 člana, od kojih je 21 aktivnih pilota, s vlastitom opremom za letenje. Klub se ističe sa čak tri certifikovana paraglajding instruktora i većim brojem iskusnih pilota, što pilotima početnicima pruža mogućnosti za sticanje naprednih vještina neophodnih za bezbjedno krstarenje nebom. Raspolažemo sa nekoliko kompleta opreme namijenjenih početnoj obuci naših članova – budućih pilota.

Club Adriafly and its members are recognized by the international association of pilots and instructors APPI. That's why we registered the APPI flight school, and our instructors and assistants are part of the APPI representative committee, as well as expert associates in domestic aviation authorities.

Adriafly is also a representative of the international organization „Ailes pour Eux“ (Wings for them), whose goal is to promote the development of paragliding worldwide, including our region.

As members of APPI, we actively cooperate with many foreign paragliding clubs and clubs from Montenegro. We have a particularly close cooperation with Aeroklubom Trebinje (BiH), Nimbus from Dubrovnik (CRO) and JPK Kriška gora (SLO).

Thanks to the club's long-term cooperation with civil aviation authorities, flying in Herceg Novi today takes place in full compliance with domestic and international aviation regulations.

Club Adriafly manages the Dizdarica paragliding site, located on Žlijebska lastva. This site, built and registered in 2010. with the personal funds of the club with the support of the municipality of Herceg Novi, is a recognizable tourist attraction. "Dizdarica" ​​stands out as a modern and marked site, present on the relevant paragliding maps.

Equipped with a wide take-off strip, a club house and a spacious landscaped tourist viewpoint, the site offers a panoramic view of the bay and the take-off strip. In addition, we have implemented the necessary safety equipment at the site, including an online weather station, wind socks and online cameras that are available on our website.

Through constant improvements of members and infrastructure, we actively work to increase safety and create better conditions for flying. Through various activities, we promote Herceg Novi and Boka bay as an exotic destination for paragliding lovers.


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Application for admission to membership

    With its rapid development, paragliding brought flying closer to man than any other technological achievement. Through its work, Adriafly improves and stays in step with European educational, sports and technical norms. The novelties we present are interactive cameras, a weather station and a form for quick and simple flight announcements. Club members can comment, analyze and share experiences in the "chat room" on the FLIGHT BOOK page. Dizdarica is an airfield that, thanks to the efforts of Adiafly club members, has been put on the map as a presentable, attractive and active gathering place for local and foreign pilots. Numerous contact methods are mentioned on the page. Make us happy with your impressions or a short message that you can send from the page via the contact form. ~ Sincerely, Your Adriafly Team ~