Landing (slika 12)
42 ° 27′29 „N, 18 ° 34′39“ E, nadmorska visina 5 metara (see in Google map) – naziv mjesta ‘Zelenika’- 50m x 100m ravna travnata površina- asfaltna cesta

Na sletištu je moguće koristiti osnovne tehnike slijetanja, (slika 7). U normalnim uslovima
kada je vjetar na sletštu juţnog smjera (S), visina pred slijtanje se uglavnom gubi osmicama
sa sjeverne strane sletišta S1 ili sletišta S2.

Pri slijetanju na stadion ili na rezervno sletište mora se obratiti paţnja na električni
vod koji prolazi između ta dva terena. (slika 6)
Ne preporučuje se letenje u zoni rotora i zoni propadanja. (slika 6)
Navedene procedure i specifičnosti sletišta čine ga veoma zahtjevnim što nedovoljno iskusnim
pilotima moţe predstavljati ozbiljan problem pa je naročito vaţno voditi računa o meteo

uslovima i načinu prilaza.

Meteogram Zelenika

For transportation or retransport to the takeoff spot, call:

+382 67 862 153

Miro Spremo

With its rapid development, paragliding brought flying closer to man than any other technological achievement. Through its work, Adriafly improves and stays in step with European educational, sports and technical norms. The novelties we present are interactive cameras, a weather station and a form for quick and simple flight announcements. Club members can comment, analyze and share experiences in the "chat room" on the FLIGHT BOOK page. Dizdarica is an airfield that, thanks to the efforts of Adiafly club members, has been put on the map as a presentable, attractive and active gathering place for local and foreign pilots. Numerous contact methods are mentioned on the page. Make us happy with your impressions or a short message that you can send from the page via the contact form. ~ Sincerely, Your Adriafly Team ~